Eating Disorders

This was written as a reflection piece after meeting several patients with Eating Disorders in the Emergency Department.

Down it goes and past the trap, rushing past like nothing else. You feel it seep into your bones, adding calories all on its own.

The smiles deceive you everywhere, from window ledges to thieves and snacks. One crunch there, a sip behind you, the smell of cinnamon wafting by your side.

Oh look, more shops, more time to cry, more fat to squeeze between your thighs.

The world doesn’t stop, just waves you by, as you sit and strain your temptress down.

The muscles clench as intestines churn, as bacteria screams and lungs starts to burn.

The dry mouth sings, the cramps start to laugh,

The people watch as you cough it all back up.


Dear God this journey will never end, no matter where you turn, she’s like friend.

In a cage you watch them all, how do they chew with their mouths so tall?

You watch as liquid swirls side by side, as molars grind and tongues lick their sides.

Sticks walk by, loathing giggles,

Humanity sits and takes it in.

You reach your hand for one more bite,

And in the mirror you see your plight.

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